Summer is just around the corner and most Spaniards look forward to these desired holidays: sun, sea, beach, swimming pool, beach bar, nap … or not?
One way or another, is the period of the year with the highest number of tourists in our country, both national and international. In addition, in July and August the most important departures of the whole year take place.
But in addition to having time to relax and have fun, we Spaniards devote a large part of our holidays to technology and we do not abandon our habit of consulting social networks.
So if you have a business and decided to manage different social networks, this is not the time to relax, but to keep your guard and be present more than ever. Don’t worry because with the advice you’ll see below you’ll also have time to enjoy your holidays.
Why not forget about social networks in summer?
Many companies think that during the summer holidays, the use of technology decreases and that’s why they don’t pay attention to their social profiles, among other things. This is a serious mistake because during this period we are still connected, only in a different way.
It’s true that our routine and our consumer habits change radically: we don’t act in the same way when it comes to online advertising when we’re on holiday, as we spend more time away from home, sharing leisure time with our family and friends.
Even so, 53% of Spaniards state that they use social networks to search for information on products or services during the purchase process, Facebook being the main network for this purpose.
Against this background, you will understand that it is not a good idea to stop managing all the social networks you have during the summer holidays. In fact, it should be used as a great opportunity to access a public that is more attracted to visual content than written content.
How to manage social networks in summer?
There are many ways to combine work and free time in summer. We all know that being present on social networks requires a lot of effort and surely you will have to stop doing other things to devote much of your time to stay connected to your community. But you only have to take into account a series of points in order to continue enjoying at the same time that powers the use of your social networks.
Create an editorial calendar
Whether it’s summer or not, creating an editorial calendar will help you plan your social network publications accurately, but at this time of year it’s necessary to approach the content with a specific strategy.
Create a monthly template, which in turn is divided by weeks and days. This way, you’ll have a pretty good overview of a reasonable period of time. Add other considerations such as time of publication, social network, possible titles, hashtags and mentions. Use colors and symbols to understand your calendar at a glance.
A good way to access your calendar from anywhere in the world at any time is through a shared online document.
Another advantage of having an editorial calendar is that you will also have in mind any key date for your business or community: anniversary, International Day, etc.
Keep up with publications
As I mentioned before, social networks are used even more in summer. Therefore, it is important to continue publishing with the same continuity or more frequently if you consider it necessary.
During the holidays we tend to change our usual routine, so schedules are altered and even somewhat delayed, as we tend to do everything later. Do some research to find out how your target audience acts during this period and when they log on to adjust your publications according to that time.
You may now have to publish more content in the evening than first thing in the morning. It’s all about being informed and planning according to the movements of your followers.
To optimize your time you can easily schedule your publications on all social platforms. If you already know what content you want to publish, you only have to spend a little time in the morning, or even the night before, to leave everything organized and that the publications are launched automatically at the time you program them.
Pro tip: If you have a profile on Twitter, keep in mind that this social network does not allow you to schedule your publications from its platform. To do this, you have to use another tool in which you can add your account to manage it directly. Here are some free tools for social networks.
Generate current content
Surely in summer you will have to publish another type of content, adapted to this time of year. As you saw in the previous infographics, in summer you share twice as many photographs, so generating even more visual content is a great idea.
If you’re a company that sells snow clothing, you’ll have to come up with a fun and different way to publish content during the summer, but it’s possible! Just think a little and be empathetic with your audience. They’ll thank you and you’ll generate brand awareness.
A corporate blog is a great way to publish that content you’re eager to share as an expert in your industry. Still don’t have it? Creating a blog on your own is very easy and will take very little time. Once you finish you will have at your disposal a powerful showcase to make yourself known and generate specialized content.
Don’t forget to program in your social networks the publication of each post to share them with your community. Write something that explains their theme and encourage them to share them too.
Launches special promotions and contests
Internet users tend to be more active during the summer holidays so it’s a perfect time to launch offers of your products and services and conduct some kind of contest or sweepstakes on social networks. This way, you will get new followers and you will encourage even more the interaction and participation of all of them.
Your community will remain active and you will generate entertainment and leisure on your social networks, an atmosphere that is very much in keeping with the summer season. Think well and spend time organizing contests and sweepstakes. Don’t go crazy and publish anything, this can be damaging to your reputation.
Try to make your followers loyal by offering them some advantage and special promotions just for them.