THC and CBD in Hemp
What is CBD oil?
Now that many people live healthy and conscious lives you can call it remarkable that the positive properties of CBD oil and Bio Hemp oil (hempseed oil) are often still unknown or unclear. A frequently asked question is therefore: what is CBD oil anyway?
CBD oil is a completely vegetable and natural product. The substance CBD is obtained from the flower and leaf of the hemp plant. This CBD is then dissolved in a natural oil, such as olive oil, hemp seed oil, or coconut oil, creating CBD oil. CBD oil is sold as a dietary supplement, usually in the form of oil or capsules, but also as a component of other products, such as skin care products.
THC and CBD in hemp
The hemp plant consists of as many as sixty cannabinoids. These are chemicals found in every plant. The two main components of the hemp plant are THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabidiol) and CBD (CannaBiDiol). Hemp plants normally contain a lot of THC, while strains with a lot of CBD are much rarer. CBD is therefore produced from industrial hemp that contains little to no THC. Its cultivation is therefore completely legal. CBD oil therefore contains hardly any (less than 0.2 percent) THC.
The human body has receptors that can connect with cannabinoids. This has an effect on the functioning of the body. For example, when using THC, there is a psychoactive effect in the brain and this can cause you to become high or stoned. When using CBD, this is absolutely not the case.

Raw CBD oil from CO2 extraction
CBD extraction via CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the most modern method for obtaining CBD. This is because this extraction method preserves useful components from the flower tops and plant parts. These valuable components are for example the cannabinoids CBD and CBDA, but also CBD, CBG, CBN and CBV are richly present in the plant. In addition, important substances such as pigments, terpenes and phenols are also preserved for the oil.
To obtain CBD oil from CO2, the CO2 is compressed. This makes the carbon dioxide “supercritical.” This means that it has the properties of both liquid substances and gases. The hemp is then added to this supercritical CO2. The CO2 is very cold, preventing the loss of enzymes and vitamins that are sensitive to heat. Finally, the CO2 is removed (and reused). What remains is a clean and pure extract that is excellent for making CBD oil. Read more information on wellbeing supplements by checking out this article.
What is the difference with regular or pure CBD oil?
The difference between ‘regular or pure’ CBD oil and Raw CBD oil from CO2 is in the extraction method. The CO2 extraction method is a gentle extraction method. With this method all the ingredients of the (hemp) plant are preserved in their entirety. The substances CBC, CBN, CBV and CBG are also present in the oil besides CBD and CBDA. There are extraction methods where not all the ingredients are preserved or where parts of the ingredients are lost. These include techniques where heat is used, or techniques based on toxic solvents.
CBD oil from CO2 extraction is comparatively lower dosed with CBD because most of the CBD is in the tops of the plant. If you want a higher dose of CBD then you can choose organic CBD oil. The advantages of CBD from CO2 extraction With the above methods (heat, solvents) (parts) of nutrients are lost and the solvents are besides dangerous also totally unsustainable. With the CO2 extraction method, safety, sustainability and a pure end product is guaranteed. Moreover, this CBD oil is also easier to digest.
The the difference between CBD oil and Rick Simpson oil (hemp oil)
There is a lot of confusion about CBD oil and the Rick Simpson oil. People think that both oils are the same. Both oils do indeed contain CBD, but that is all there is to it. CBD is found in large amounts in the green of the hemp plant. The hemp plant consists of 480 active compounds, 80 of which are characteristic of CBD.